
To The Grotto


We are not affiliated with, or endorsed or supported by any other satanic organization. We are an independent and non-denominational satanic church that utilizes philosophies from many walks of the left-hand path. We are feminist, LBGTQ allies, and Anti racist, Nazi Satanists can fuck off.

The Satanic Grotto Mission Statement

The Satanic Grotto is an organization for Satanists and allies who follow the Left-Hand Path. We are dedicated to improving our community through fellowship, religious expression, shared education, artistic projects and social activism.

The Satanic Grotto Goals

  • Provide a safe community of mutual support for our members and allies.

  • Provide for and support the religious needs of members and their families.

  • Promote Satanic education and personal development in our members.

  • Support Satanic art, music and culture in our communities.

  • Be a force for political, social and pluralistic change.

The Law of the Grotto

1) To do as thou wilt is the purpose of the law: We recognize the individual; Honoring bodily autonomy, Freedom of expression, and self directed purpose.

2) Self preservation is the priority of the law: Protecting individual existence and their rights supersedes all other narratives. Remembering that an individual's rights end, where another's begins. 

3) Responsibility is the weight of the law: Responsibility is an honor and a burden. Wear both sides well.

4) Respect is the spirit of the law: We do unto others, as they do unto us. We will strive to be polite, until it's time to be rude.

5) Consent is the measure of the law: Ask permission before crossing boundaries or taking what is not yours. 

6) Reciprocity is the Balance of the law: We live in a community and recognize that our power and ability to thrive, strengthens when we come together. Help those that would help you, fight for those that would fight beside you. 

7) Retribution is the cost of breaking the law: We recognize that that in this world only might is right and violence is the ultimate source of all authority.

8) Reconciliation can be the exception to the law: We strive to recognize we are all fallible and we will make mistakes. When we do, we should try our best to resolve any harm caused and learn from those mistakes.

Aeons and Archetypes of the devil

Four great Aeon’s of history have shaped humanity and its religious Practicing. The significance of each Aeon, the archetypes in each of their myths, and the evolution from one to anther are an allegory for our own personal growth and development, as well as a common mythos that roots us in a shared reality.

The primal age and its Horned Gods -

The second Age and Lilith, goddess of night -

The third Age and Lucifer, the dying god -

The fourth age and Satan, self deification -